Thanks to everyone who’s picked up The Wanderer and the New West, my dystopian western novel about a possible America that fully protects the rights of armed citizens to stand their ground. Here are a few updates on the novel since launch.
I wrote a guest blog post for Reedsy about creating the cover and interior layout with my collaborators Ben Mcleod and Mark Thomas. I worked hard to write my new novel, so when it came time to publish, I wanted to create a beautiful book that did the words justice.

Last month, I told you about the great review I received from Kirkus Reviews. Since then, Kirkus featured the starred review in their Feb. 15 issue! If you’re a subscriber, you can read the review on page 169 of Volume LXXXVI, No 4.
Look for my book listing in an upcoming issue of the New York Review of Books due out next month!
Want to try The Wanderer before you buy it? I’ve created a handy preview page for just this purpose!
All of my novels are now available to buy on Google Play and Google Books. Click here to see for yourself, though that Compendium Theory one isn’t me…
I joined Instagram! Follow me at @WatchAdam.
Finally, if you have read my new novel (or any of my other stories), please write a customer review. I’m an indie author and this will help me immensely in spreading the word. Please submit the review to Amazon, Goodreads or your favorite online retailer.
Thanks again for all your support!
Top image credit: Reedsy
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