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A quick writing update before he wakes up

It’s never great practice to start out a blog with, “It’s been a while since my last blog post.”

But it has been a while, hasn’t it?

I have a really good excuse, though! On July 15, I became a father, and so my son Rishi has been the priority for the last three months. I am writing this as he takes the lightest of naps, threatening to wake at any time to demand a cuddle. So if this post cuts off suddenly, you’ll know where I went.

So, quickly then, a writing update! I am editing the manuscript for my next novel, Utopia PR. It’s a satire following Blake “The Hammer” Hamner, a public-relations specialist who struggles to find work-life balance while responding to crisis after crisis for a dystopian leader.

The first draft is written, and now what I’m largely doing is figuring out what parts either don’t work or need strengthening. Sometimes after months of writing, you have to pull back and look at it from 10,000 feet above (or however many feet is customary). In this story, for example, I realized that I needed to make the bad guy’s threat a little bit more convincing. And just yesterday, I cut a scene that was too much like a previous one (though obviously I saved it for the special edition). Gotta cut the fat!

When am I finding time to write? Oh, you know, the other night I found some time between Rishi’s 9:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. meals…

Long story short, Utopia PR is shaping up quite nicely and I think it’s my most fun novel to date — this, coming from a Dystopian author! Can’t wait to share it with you.

By the way, I am looking for reviews of the new audiobook edition of The Wanderer and the New West. If you’re interested in listening to a free copy for review on your blog, Goodreads or even a popular online bookstore, please apply here!

Uh oh, Rishi just woke up. Gotta run!

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