You may have noticed the site looks different. I mean, assuming you’ve been here before. If this is your first time on my website, that’s cool, but–hey don’t click away! Ok, click away, but at least check out one of my novels or something!
Still with me? Cool, so I’ll point a few things about the new design. First off, it’s way more modern in appearance, and the responsive design means it looks great on mobile devices, too.
It’s also a little less “bloggy.” I used to have a separate website and WordPress blog, but a little while ago decided they were a bit redundant and it made sense to kill the increasingly dated-looking website. The only problem with that approach was that my old blog design didn’t quite give me the flexibility to highlight news about my writing, and it felt a bit plain for presenting my novels.
This brings me to the next thing, which is that I’ve also killed the individual book websites I had up at wethewatched.com and wethedivided.com. Those links still work, but now they redirect to pages on this website. As much as I loved those old sites (heck, I designed them myself!), they were only kind of, sort of responsive design. I really tried, but they never actually looked that good on phones or tablets. I lived in denial about this until Google itself told me so.

So there you have it. Brand new web design. I think I’ve transferred over all the great stuff about my old websites, and I’ve even brought back some stuff like web samples of my novels WE, THE WATCHED and DIVIDED WE FALL. There’s also some new stuff coming soon and maybe a few more design tweaks.
Please let me know if you notice anything missing or if something just plain doesn’t look right!
Yes, yes. You’re welcome, eyes.
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